My last blog post! I have to say, the blog post aspect of this class was incredibly fun, interactive, and meaningful. The fact that everyone has their own concrete website in which their thoughts and experiences are shared feels very important for some reason. I love that I’ll be able to look back on these posts and track how my writing styles and beliefs changed throughout the short duration of just a semester. I have a hard time focusing in class and find it difficult to be proactive during the whole session. Due to this, I tend to steer towards classes that are online or hybrid classes- they allow me to soak up class information by myself at the library rather than in a room with 40 other students. The fact that attendance was not required for this class was overall a positive for me. I was able to read through the course website, work through the homework, read the textbook, and read/watch any supplemental material provided by the professor throughout the day, according t...